Call Concierge Answers Questions Via SMS

This front-end enhancement upgrades the telephone greeting customers hear and automatically sends text messages back to the caller containing their desired response.
Source: New feed

3 Ways to Appeal to a New Generation of Buyers

The new generation of group accommodation buyers are younger, tech savvy and expect on-demand answers, so hoteliers need to align their sales strategy to match the way that this new generation wants to conduct business.
Source: New feed

SALTO Achieves Carbon Neutrality

Company offset its 2020 CO2 emissions via reforestation and protection of hydrographic basins in the Andes and the recovery of olive groves in Spain.
Source: New feed

2022 is the Year of the Travel Rebound

Study of Ipsos MORI sentiment analysis and first-party Tripadvisor data shows traveler intent for 2022 demonstrates high demand for booking experiences and a willingness to spend more on travel, while encouraging businesses to maintain safety protoco
Source: New feed